Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Miss You...

Is a phrase that is, I think, overused way too often these days. Don't get me wrong, I understand that if someone's spouse is gone from home for any length of time that they will miss them. One thing I don't understand is all these 13 and 14 year olds that have what they call "the love of their life" and see them everyday at school and the minute that 3:00 strikes the clock they post on facebook how much they just miss their baby. Seriously? Grow up. It won't kill you to go 17 hours without seeing them. Let me just say that from experience you NEVER really know how much you do miss someone until they are gone from you until it's your time to meet them Heaven. I also think they people believe that they have to put stuff like that on facebook to get their point across to their significant other. I for one, have never thought that Landon would love me any less because I didn't say I loved or missed him over facebook. It, to us, is just like a mutual agreement that when you're gone for any length of time you will be missed, but atleast you will be back. For me to know that he misses or loves me, it doesn't have to be all over the web. Sorry if I'm going off the depend but it really just irked my nerves the other day when that is all I heard every 10 minutes. Just be thankful that whoever it is that you are saying you miss will return home to you. I also, understand that tomorrow is not guaranteed. That is why you need to tell the people you love that you love them EVERYDAY! It's not easy losing those you love, especially when it's one of your parents, but I get through the day knowing that he is in Heaven, he is no longer eat up with cancer, he doesn't ache, his side doesn't hurt so bad that you have to hug him from the other side, and that he will never have to worry about another test, needle, surgeon, or hospital bed ever, ever again. I miss him more than words can say and I cannot wait until the day that he can hug me and say "hey babygirl" again.

                                                            my highschool graduation
                           Daddy is the last on the bottom right in the striped shirt with those long side burns
                                                     when we surprised him at hope lodge
                                                         his "hair hat"....on christmas 2010
                                                               Tyler and his Big Daddy
                                         What Big Daddy will do if someone messes with Tyler
I think he might have been telling Tyler that he was going to have to pull for the tide ;)