Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Meet Martha!

Martha is my new name according to my cousin's husband, Shane. He calls me this ONLY because Leigh, my cousin, decided she wanted to paint her den. Do note that the den has three walls of brick 1 and a half walls are panneling. Also, I LOVE to decorate so I told her I would help her with whatever "projects" she had in mind and Shane (quiet but no so quiet) said oh dear! Over the phone I was throwing out ideas to her about color because one of the brick walls has a fireplace on it. I thought it would be pretty as an accent wall and she agreed so the fireplace wall is now chocolate brown and the rest of the room is sky blue. It's very pretty and I think our Mam-Maw would be proud that Leigh took her and Paw-Paw's home and made it her own. So anyway, neither one of us thought this would take long. Let me tell you...that was a LIE! So far it has taken TWO WEEKS and we still aren't completely finished...there's still some touch up work that needs to be done. At the beginning of our "Martha and Stewart project" Shane promised that he wouldn't be helping. However, he has helped at some point everyday and when we tell him to put the paint brush down and go to bed, he insist on still painting. Poor thing, he is just ready to have his house back to normal. So I have a few pics of our unfinished project so maybe Leigh won't mind me posting :)

the walls before

the color afterwards

So funny story about painting...I got primer in my eye. Yes, it hurt. No, I didn't cry...not from pain anyway but from laughter. I was on the step ladder painting under the trim because Leigh is scared she will mess it up....go figure :) No seriously, she doesnt paint close to the floor or close to the molding at the top. So she went on a snack break while I was diligently working when out of nowhere drip and theres primer in my eye. I screamed for Leigh and said "LEEEEIIIGGGGHHH there is primer in my eye!!! I can't get down off this stupid ladder by myself either! Oh wait I got down do something to fix it!" She said "come here NOW and I'll rinse it out under the sink." This meant that she was going to let my head get soaked. No way sister! My head couldnt get down under the faucet. She had a better idea after forcing my head towards the sink. "Wait I know I'll pour water out of Blakeleighs clean bottle to rinse out your eye." I said ok do you think we should call poison control. Well we did and they told me to let water from the shower head to run down my face for 15 minutes. Um no sweetie I didn't have that kind of time right then so I squatted down by the bath tub while Leigh poured water on my face and I got SOAKED! Good news is that I'm not blind and I now know what to do if primer gets in my eye!

I proudly introduce to you....the baby bottle that saved my vision :)